Sk8: The Infinity’s 5 Cutest Moments Between Langa & Reki

Sk8: The Infinity's 5 Cutest Moments Between Langa & Reki

The adventure of Reki and Langa in Sk8: The Infinity is full of charming moments, but these five situations stand out as the most precious.

Sk8: The Infinity is a sports anime about skateboarding and high-stakes races, but it’s also about having fun and making friends. Reki and Langa are such close skating partners in the series that they’re dubbed “Renga” by fans — and with good reason: their friendship grows so sweetly that it’s difficult not to keep revisiting their loveliest moments throughout the series.

Reki and Langa begin as mere classmates, but as they skateboard together, their friendship develops stronger. As Sk8: The Infinity progresses, their bond grows stronger, even when they understand their differences and clash. Their trip is filled with charming moments, from their first encounter to their final skateboarding scenes together, but these five are our favorites.

Reki Introduces Langa To Skateboarding

Sk8: The Infinity's 5 Cutest Moments Between Langa & Reki

Reki and Langa’s first encounter occurs when Reki’s speeding skateboard passes by Langa, who stops it for him. Langa is then enticed to get aboard and try it out by Reki. Langa, despite being an accomplished snowboarder, biffs it right away, the skateboard flying out from under his feet and causing him to crash flat on his back.

Reki busts out laughing at his epic fail, but then decides to teach him how to do it properly. The fervent skateboarder slams into Langa, who has collapsed, and rolls right over him. Langa watches the incredible jump with wide eyes, evidently awestruck by Reki’s impressive skateboarding abilities. Langa’s passion for skateboarding was likely sparked by this adrenaline rush.

Reki & Langa Act Like Baes On The Beach


Reki, Langa, and the rest of the “S” skaters make it to Miyakojima Island in Episode 6. Shadow notices Joe flirting with girls when the skaters are all hanging out on the beach and decides to intervene. Shadow is dissuaded by Reki’s demonstration of how the interaction will work. He puts his arms around Langa, imitating one of Joe’s females and exclaiming, “Help, Joe, that guy scares me!”

While a sun-drenched Langa is initially perplexed and unresponsive, Reki coaxes him into participating in the short roleplay. “Don’t worry, bae – I’ll defend you,” Langa says in a macho tone as he clings to Reki. Shadow’s trick is hilarious, and their theatrical embrace is sweet.

The beach episode of Sk8: The Infinity is full of charming moments, such as Reki’s poor effort at flirting with a girl and Langa saving him from a nasty crash by catching him on his skateboard. Their roleplaying wins out, but the other moments are worthy of mention.

Reki & Langa Create An Infinity Fist Bump

Sk8: The Infinity's 5 Cutest Moments Between Langa & Reki

Langa falls a lot when he first starts training, and he gets scratches and bruises all over his body, even his hands. Langa winces in agony as Reki extends his hand in a congratulatory fist pump, which causes Reki to giggle. One of the continually cute aspects of their friendship is doing this bro-style handshake. Reki even fist bumps Langa’s chest in a touching gesture to demonstrate how much he cares about him.

The skateboarders establish an even more unique handshake as they continue to practice and mature alongside one another. Langa recognizes how essential their connection is after a brief argument and tells Reki, “I want to skate endlessly with you.” They then decide to take their DAP to the next level. Reki and Langa go above and beyond the standard friendship high five and fist bump, adding an infinity sign at the end by joining their hands into circles. Their friendship has been unbreakable since.